Art Center Archives



Weekly flyer notifying students of upcoming events, exhibitions, notes on campus life, and information for the students about supplies, opportunities, or accomplishments of fellow students documented from 1983-2007.

There is a selection of images in this collection to represent the larger archive.


Davidson Artworks

Donated art by advertising alumnus Chuck Davidson who also acted as the Advertising Department Chair from 1976-1980.

There is a selection of images in this collection to represent the larger archive.


Developments at Art Center

An informational flyer about goings on with the campus and the school as an organization documented from 1970-1986.

There is a selection of images in this collection to represent the larger archive.


On the Wing

Flyers detailing construction updates when the school underwent massive renovations during 1990.


Toyota Lecture Series

Flyers for a series of lectures occurring on the campus to help inform and educate the student populous documented from 1986-2008.

There is a selection of images in this collection to represent the larger archive.