Magic Tricks Used in Temples

The Hero of Alexandria was a man who lived circa 10-70 AD. He is famous for creating the first steam engine as well as a number of other fantastic features in temples often involving complex mechanisms that would perform magic tricks such as opening the temple doors without anyone touching them.

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Sacred Architecture - Coral Castle

Coral Castle is known more for the legends that surround its construction and it is often attributed to influence from extra terrestrials. Located in Miami Florida, it is a privately owned area that is available for viewing for the public as a roadside attraction.

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The Trap of Bajo de la Campana and its Phoenician Treasure

Bajo de la Campana is the name of a well known reef, about twenty miles off the coast of Cartagena, Spain, that presents a clear danger to ships and this location has been claiming ships sailing since ancient times. The Bajo de la Campana reef has a rock formation that thrusts suddenly upward from a depth of fifty feet and stops a mere three feet before the water’s surface.

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The Dead Sea Scrolls

Among the 972 documents, which had degraded into several pieces numbering over 50,000, were records of rules about everyday living and multiple copies of several biblical books. About a quarter are books that belong to the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Christian Old Testament.

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Myths of Los Angeles

Los Angeles is a grand sprawling city, and because of this, the city is, in many ways, divided. This does not mean literally divided, but symbolically. Be it from the haze of smog that prevents different sections of the city from seeing each other or the sheer vastness that makes the city seem like a country all on its own

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Sites of Los Angeles

The Biltmore Hotel at first sight is reminiscent of a clock tower. Built in 1923, the building was said to be beaux-art inspired. The interior of the hotel reminds one of an extravagant palace due to the intricate and detailed ceilings, and the decadent chandeliers that hang from the ceiling.

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The Pantages Theater and Early Hollywood

The Pantages Theatre in Hollywood has become an iconic part of historical Hollywood and is considered to be the last of Hollywood’s glorious movie palaces. It was said to be built to remind those who attended of grand opera houses and theatres in Europe.

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Hawthorn Tree

Hawthorn is most commonly found in literary works due to its rich folkloric history. This is more prominent than its direct medicinal uses. If anything, hawthorn is most commonly used as a culinary ingredient for the sweet taste of its berries.

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The Golden Ratio

A Golden Spiral created from a Golden Rectangle expands in dimension by the Golden Ratio with every quarter, or 90 degree, turn of the spiral. This can be constructed by starting with a golden rectangle with a height to width ratio of 1.618 (or Phi Ф).

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Photographing the Wellcome Collection

The Wellcome Collection is a collection of artifacts originally collected by Sir Henry Solomon Wellcome. He was born on August 21, 1853 and dies on July 25, 1936. In his early life his travelled and preached in a covered wagon peddling his wares. He sold a lot of invisible ink, which was simply lemon juice.

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An Inevitable War

            The Civil War was inevitable. With the impending ideal of imperial industry, the entire country breathed carbon in its race to world standing. Free wage labor brought droves of workers to jobs of little pay. The right to vote was misconstrued as an advancement of freedom.

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